why the name "co-op therapy"?:

Co-op or cooperative is defined as "working together willingly toward a common purpose". In light of this definition, the name "co-op therapy" is fitting because I believe therapy must be a cooperative, collaborative, and relational endeavor if there is to be eventual change. 

my approach to therapy:

My therapeutic approach is primarily rooted in relational psychotherapy and attachment theory perspectives. This means that my psychotherapeutic framework is intentionally focused on how an individual's internal world has been shaped by their early attachments, and how the resulting early relational adaptations presently impact how an individual relates both to people and broader life experience. Ultimately, we all have a unique story and these stories have had a profound impact on our internal worlds - internal worlds that, without exploration, rhythmically dictate how it is we experience the external world around us, and often lead to a variety of unwanted symptoms and addictions (i.e. anxiety, depression, isolation, self-harm, eating disorders, alcoholism, sexual addictions, anger problems, general identity issues, relational problems, etc.)  For this reason, I see therapy as a place where we must begin by paying a great deal of attention to your unique story, and to your particular way of experiencing and understanding the people and world around you.  As we thoughtfully and collaboratively reflect upon the past stories and themes of your life, and explore how these stories and themes continue to shape and inform our relationship and other present relationships in your life, I believe we will not only begin the process of moving toward symptom relief, but also begin to create opportunity for new ways of relating -  ways of relating that more authentically and flexibly embrace the joys and pains of your own life and the lives of those around you.